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Artist Statement

The acquisition of knowledge and techniques needed for the fashioning and fabrication of a large and varied range of materials has kept this artist/maker occupied for many years. Bedwell’s expanding ‘toolbox’ of skills is not only a requirement to successfully make things but an actual consequence of his artwork and output, the bulk of which (in the past) has been constructed from randomly amassed found objects.
Aspects of animism pervade his early work but more recent pieces have their origin in ideas uncluttered by the sensory-prompts from the pre-owned and discarded. Using previously unworked materials such as sheet metals, acrylic and glass he is able to respond directly to current cultural themes and affairs in the realms of politics and the sciences.  
Bedwell’s past is still evident in his pieces. By combining the materials of ‘now’ with found objects of a past style he is able to create new work that retains an essential therapeutic element (his own needs) and yet invites the viewer to formulate their own idea of what the work might mean.

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bones 1 (2).JPG
akua ma doll (2).JPG
Tooth leveling complete (2).JPG

Images above...

Improbable Spoons: molded glass spoons; unfinished and with wire inclusions making use dangerous (if not impossible).

Design Drawing for love talisman.

Doll (early piece): designed around acquired charms from a charm bracelet (approximately 300mm tall).

Digital Phone Image (early work): from series 'Archery Road; Dismantled' a series of photographs visually archiving (the last day of) Hastings College of Art and Technology's Art School.

Clay Bones (early work): slip cast white clay 'bones' arranged and photographed.

Raku Fired Ceramic Akua'ba Doll (early piece): recognising hope vs the reality; traditionally made to magically imbue a potential child with health, beauty and health vs reality of a significant risk of lost limbs from exploding mines/shells - detritus of old wars.

Teeth Leveling Device (early piece).

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